Wow, what an experience. I had a blast, though the morning started off a little rough. Trying to get the family out the door by 6:30 did not work very well. So much for just having to get myself ready. They all seem to want Mom to do something for them. I suppose in a few years they won't need me at all, so I am treasuring it while it lasts. We got there, I got my chip and met up with the girls, my sister, Melissa, my best friend, Michelle and my great friend, Meredith. We took off to the corral, waiting patiently for the start. Finally the horn blew and off we went. My goal was to stay under 45 minutes as I have been suffering from intense shin splints and thought I might have to walk most of it. After running the first 1/2 mile I walked the rest of the first then ran most of the next 2. I finished at about 38:26. Not bad for my first 5k in over a year. I loved the experience and it is great to have been able to participate in something so prevalent in women. I pray that a cure is found long before my little ladies have to worry about the possibility of breast cancer. We are the cure and early detection is the best. So Feel your Boobies!
Now I am addicted to the run. Next one is scheduled for the 18th. I'm looking forward to improving my time and getting down to at least a 10 minute mile. I'm icing the shins, stretching and hoping the injury is quickly resolved. New shoes, inserts and some ibuprofen seem to be working.
So once again today I take time to reflect on decisions of my past and the choices I am making for the future. Wondering once again where God is leading me and what He has in store for me. In the meantime I search for my passion, listen to great music and dream of the possibilities for the future.
Well don't we all look like some hot chicks!!!
READY for tomorrow!!!!! Another 5K we get to take by storm!!
Hi Tara. Thanks for reading my blog, as I will be reading yours from now on. How did you do on Saturday? How are the shins?
I really like this picture of us...you look FABULOUS! :)
I am proud to know such a DETERMINED vessel as yourself!!! Don't lose the passion to pursue God with EVERYTHING you got gurl...love ya!
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