So I haven't been blogging for a while and with the little
nudge from Mere, here I am. I spent the day with my little Cooper shopping around for fall decorations and finishing touches for Harleigh's Halloween Costume. We then made it home, picked up Maison, Harleigh got home and we did some Pumpkin Carving. We had such a great time. We then went outside and set the pumpkin up on the front porch with it's painted brother and little flowers. Jason surprised me this weekend with some lovely greenery for the front yard. It looks so great! Thanks babe. We spent yesterday at the Harvest Festival at Mosaic and had such fun, hay ride, rock climbing, crafts, family pictures, food, horse back riding and candy diving, plus much much more. Meredith and I then went on a 17 mile bike ride. I got the feel of my new bike and Mere and I both seemed to be dragging. I definitely enjoy riding first thing in the morning much better than after a long day on my feet. Since I have been blogging we have had two family birthday's and I ran in another race. Cooper turned 4 and Jason turned 39. Coop's day was quiet and quite enjoyable with him opening gifts, lunch out and relaxing here at the house. Jay on the other hand spent his mountain biking with his new bike. He had a blast. I had a lot of fun in my second 5k this year. Ran the Ocoee Founder's Day race with Michelle and Meredith. Meredith ranked 2nd in her age group and Michelle was 4th. I was still suffering from shin splints even after purchasing another new pair of shoes and came in 7th in my age group. I also ran with a girl who was running in her first race ever and had just quit smoking a month before. It was great to cheer her on and finish with her. During this month, Maison had her first Choir Recital, got her eyebrows waxed for the first time, had her phone eaten up by Scout and attended her first Lock In at Church. I got some bangs. The girls and my mom and I went to see High School Musical 3. Jason took Cooper to the Golf Range for the first time. We have been busy! Life has been so much fun and we are going crazy as usual. Loving life and enjoying the blessings that God has been sending our way! (I must say this picture just about explains it all, taken on Jason's birthday at Maison's Choir Recital.)
I admire you so very much. I wish I had half of your energy.
Shane, you are too sweet and I admire you for always having something nice to say and for always making me feel so very special! Love you! T
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